University and Higher Education Schemes
- Rashtriya Ucchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA)
- National Initiative for Design Innovation
- National Research Professorship (NRP)
- Establishment of New Central Universities
- Indira Gandhi National Tribal University
- Establishment of 14 World Class Central Universities
- Setting up of 374 Degree Colleges in Educationally Backward Districts
- Scheme for incentivising state governments for expansion of higher education institutions
- Central Sector Interest Subsidy Scheme, 2009 on Model Education Loan Scheme of IBA
- Construction of girls hostels
- Supporting uncovered state universities and colleges
- Additional assistance to about 160 already covered universities and about 5500 colleges
- Strengthening science based higher education and research in universities
- Inter universities research institute for policy and evaluation
- Schemes Implemented through Autonomous Organisations